扬州茱萸湾导游词 篇1
扬州茱萸湾风景区(扬州动物园)位于扬州市东郊,面积约50公顷,三面环水,环境优雅,距今已有两千一百多年的历史。古代众 多的文人墨客都曾在此留下了讴歌的篇章,如唐代著名诗人刘长卿赞道 :“落花逐流水,共到茱萸湾”。
鹤鸣湖是景区开门水景,湖中几座小岛的造景,实为这些水禽们营造了生态的环境。瞧这款款游来的是天鹅一家,每年的春季 是天鹅宝宝孵化的好季节,像是邀请一起来看看这大好明媚春光一般。 天鹅是鸟类是游禽中体形最大的种类,我们景区引进的两种天鹅——白天鹅与黑天鹅。天鹅保持着一种稀有的“终身伴侣制”在南方越冬时不论是取食或休息都成双成对。
鹤鸣湖的改造成功,也为了彰显发扬鹤文化,全球15种鹤类,我景区就引进了9种,其中最为历代宫廷和文人墨各所推崇 的是丹顶鹤,丹顶鹤又称仙鹤,因顶部有块红色冠状物而得名,通体洁白 ,尾羽黑色,体态修长,鸣声洪亮,行动傲然。中国人早就崇赏丹顶鹤,画家还将它们与松树组成画面,命名为“松鹤延年”。 游人可与丹顶鹤合影留念,不仅占尽仙气,还能得到健康长寿的祝福呢。 有唐诗曰:“自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝,晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄。”这种仙境,大家都可以言诗几首咯。
走在这内河生态长廊上,尤见这落花逐流水的美景,此刻共话茱萸湾不得不揭开她神秘的历史面纱。早在两千多年前,扬州东 乡有个小村落,因家家门前屋后遍植茱萸,得名茱萸村。而这茱萸村真 正的大红大紫还不是因为长了这蓊蓊郁郁的茱萸,而是因为春秋晚期吴王夫差开了一条通江入淮的邗沟,及至汉朝吴王刘濞拓凿了 邗沟,开挖著名的“茱萸沟”运道。因邗沟在茱萸村附近拐弯,故将茱 萸村改为茱萸湾,又称湾头。
在动物界基本都遵循一个规律,就是雄性体态优美、羽色艳丽、鸣叫悦耳,而雌性毛色暗哑。孔雀就是一个典型的代表,我们 这儿的雉鸡也是一样。他们所吃食物会随着地区和季节而不同。秋季主 要以各种植物的果实、种子、植物叶、芽、草籽和部分昆虫为主。冬季主要以各种植物的嫩芽、嫩枝、草茎、果实、种子和谷物为 食。鹤鸣湖里的小岛俨然就成为这些禽类的安乐窝了。
荷风曲桥。这是一座傍依古运河畔如虹卧波的仿树桩造型的曲桥,为什么叫荷风曲桥?相传唐朝此地是“石座观荷”的佳境,说的是唐代高僧鉴真和尚,公元720xx年从西京受戒回扬,从茱萸湾登岸时 ,一身风尘未洗,却被茱萸湾古运河旁这座荷塘散发的幽香所陶醉,这圣洁的荷花、佛化的宝物正是佛门独具神圣永恒不灭的象征之物。他弯下身情不自禁地采摘了一朵盛开的红莲,藏于怀中,带到了 大明寺荷池中栽植。从那以后,鉴真和尚再也没有来过茱萸湾,而栽在荷池中的红莲30年来青翠欲滴,娇妍动人。
茱萸湾的琼花植于风凰厅的东坡,芍药植于风凰厅的西坡,一条小溪自然分割着东西两坡,清澈的溪水一路欢歌向南流去,汇入古运河。这维扬二娇,是茱萸湾公园花卉园的特色。20xx年扬州市首届 芍药节曾在这里举办。每年春天,四面八方来茱萸湾公园赏花的游人络绎不绝。
扬州茱萸湾导游词 篇2
唐代的茱萸湾 还是国对处往来的一个港口。唐诗描绘了这里的水色风光:“半逻鸢满树,新年人独还。落花逐流水,共到茱萸湾。”“有地唯栽竹,无家不养鹅。春风荡城郭,满耳是笙歌。”
不论在四时哪个季相,或携友或举家作客 茱萸湾公园,您都会亲自感受到“生命的常青树——植物”带给您的天赐美景:春季桃花笑靥、夏季芙蕖朵朵、秋季金桂飘香、冬季腊梅傲雪。四时季相的相序变化,似一幅幅合着天时良辰绽开的水墨画景,如此美妙和谐地定格在茱萸湾这块充满绿意的土地上。
茱萸湾公园千顷绿地由诸多绿色植物自身作围合元素,构成了一幅幅巧夺天工令人心醉的植物美景。诸如“荷风曲桥”、“梅山春深”、“芍药婵娟”、“寒梅傲雪”、“茱萸古韵”等。这些典型植物美景独特的体量不同于传统的 私家花园占地较小的局限性,其意境的开放性已经能够接待合乎现代 旅游理念的大型团队游览观赏。这些典型植物美景构成的水墨画般的整体效果,虽由植物自身围合的局部空间相加构成,却又大于整体的空间效果,使您在游览茱萸湾公园“植物王国”时真正能够亲自体验到那种绿杨城郭的如梦意境。
扬州茱萸湾导游词 篇3
The thousand hectares of green space in zhuyuwan scenic area is surroundedby many green plants, which make up a wonderful plant beauty. Such as "He FengQu Qiao", "Mei Shan Chun Shen", "Peony Chan Juan", "Han Mei Ao Xue", "Zhuyu GuYun" and so on. The unique volume of these typical plant beauty is differentfrom the limitation of traditional private garden, which covers a small area.The openness of its artistic conception has been able to receive large-scalegroups in line with the modern tourism concept. Although the overall effect ofthese typical plant landscapes is composed of the local space enclosed byplants, it is greater than the overall space effect. When you visit the "plantkingdom" of zhuyuwan Park, you can really experience the dreamlike artisticconception of green yangchengguo.
The pavilions and pavilions dotted with thousands of hectares of greenspace are cleverly hidden in the "green sea". They are mainly Tibetan andoccasionally show their beauty. They show a high degree of harmony that inheritsthe context of Chinese gardening and conforms to the trend of the times. Theyare a famous ecological garden to show the beauty of plant shape, line andcolor. It is precisely because of the plant beauty's non artificial traces andera brand on the four seasons sequence, the plant beauty of the four seasonsshows a unique non artificial implication, which is simple, essential, butextremely powerful appeal and vitality. The closer to the natural essence ofplant beauty, the more influenced by nature, which is the unique charm ofzhuyuwan ecological garden park! Zhuyuwan scenic spot has a history of more than20 years, and there are a lot of flowers and plants in the scenic spot. Here isan introduction. There are two city flowers, Qionghua and peony, which representthe spirit of Yangzhou people. Qionghua is a rare flower, it leaves soft andYingze, flowers as big as plate, white as jade, charming flower postureattractive. Peony viewing area is the largest garden in zhuyuwan scenic area. Atpresent, the scenic spot has hundreds of varieties and tens of thousands ofpeony plants, and has formed a certain scale, becoming the venue of Yangzhoupeony festival. Every spring, visitors from all over the world come to watchpeony, recite poems, write Fu, take photos, and carry out various culturalresearch activities related to famous flowers, so as to share the spring withthis wonderful flower in the golden age.
The name of zhuyuwan scenic spot is Cornus officinalis, which was widelyplanted many years ago. Cornus officinalis is a traditional precious plant andexcellent medicinal material of the motherland, including Cornus officinalis andEvodia rutaecarpa. It blooms first in February, then leaves, and bears fruit inwinter.
After passing the peony garden, you will enter the osmanthus garden, whichis composed of pinwenshi path, muxiting, Jingui, Yingui, sijigui and Dangui.Sweet scented osmanthus has luxuriant branches and leaves, evergreen all theyear round, upright and graceful posture, with thousands of golden flowers infull bloom. Its fragrance is quiet and refreshing, and its fragrance invadespeople's clothes.
Crape myrtle garden is adjacent to Gui Garden. Crape myrtle, also known asbairihong, is commonly known as ticklish tree and bark free tree. Crape myrtleis not only for viewing, but also beneficial to health. It can absorb harmfulgases and is also a good material for making bonsai.
Along the crape myrtle garden to the south, you will arrive at the highestplace of Zhuyu Bay - plum blossom mountain, which is surrounded by dozens ofplum blossom varieties, such as bone red, black plum, Yangzhou yellow, etc. inthe winter of heavy snow, if you climb plum blossom mountain, you will feelchilly and eager to enjoy the plum blossom.
The most popular recreational and participatory facilities for urban youngpeople are scattered all over the island. In the front, there are water boats,boating, fishing centers, horse racing fields and lovers' bicycles; in themiddle, there are karts, bumper cars, flying chairs and primitive paradise; inthe back, there are plant mazes and training camps for modern urban people'squality development, such as rock climbing, ladder and broken bridge. Picnicsand barbecues give you a delicious food culture while enjoying the scenery.
扬州茱萸湾导游词 篇4
到了茱萸湾门口,老师介绍说,茱萸湾的前身是扬州动物园。刚踏进茱萸湾,一盆盆喇叭花便映入我们的眼帘,紫色的,黄色的……娇艳欲滴,点缀着茱萸湾的大门。远看一棵棵身材苗条的水杉树细细的,高高的,直指蓝天。“咦?!那是什么植物?”听到这唏嘘声,我也看过去, “这……可能是……是桃树吧!”我不确定地说。老师笑着说:“不是桃树,这是垂丝海棠。”我们恍然大悟。并不粗壮的枝条上挂满了粉色小铃铛似的花朵,一串串多得遮掉了稀稀拉拉的绿叶,成了很多游人拍照的背景呢!
扬州茱萸湾导游词 篇5
At the gate of Zhuyu Bay, the teacher introduced that the predecessor ofZhuyu Bay was Yangzhou zoo. As soon as we stepped into Zhuyu Bay, we could see alot of trumpet flowers, purple, yellow Charming and charming, embellishing thegate of dogwood Bay. From a distance, you can see the slender trees, thin andtall, pointing straight at the blue sky. "Eh? What kind of plant is that?"hearing the hiss, I also looked at it, "this It could be It's a peach tree! "Isaid uncertainly. The teacher said with a smile, "it's not a peach tree. It's adrooping Begonia." It dawned on us. Not thick branches covered with pink smallbell like flowers, a string of more than cover the sparse green leaves, become alot of tourists take photos of the background!
When we arrived at the Sea Lion Performance Hall, we scrambled to occupythe "golden throne". Sea lion Tian Tian's performance is wonderful, warmapplause from time to time. In particular, the difficult high-altitude top ball,Tian Tian completed perfectly. However, when I was about to leave, I saw theblood on the ball. The blood was shocking. I wanted to use a band aid to stopthe blood flowing on it.
Later, we went to the animal training performance hall. As soon as we satdown on the steps, a keeper held out a big snake as thick as an adult's arm. Thesnake was covered with many gray grid like stripes. The snake letter keptstretching and shrinking, just like the capital English letter "Y". Courageousstudents also go to take a picture with it, if it is me, my soul will be scaredaway.
Outside the performance hall, we also saw several majestic Amur tigers.They are very strong, and their muscles are shaking. I finally heard the call ofthe Siberian tiger, which was deep and powerful. "Wow! The northeast tiger isfighting!" curious I also ran past, saw a northeast tiger beat the other one tolie down, the one who lay down struggled for a while, and then began to fightback, two of them lay on the grass to bite up, and the other one lay quietly onone side, silly looking at them, not fighting, not persuading, it is really"sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight" ah!
Today really opened my eyes. It's a pity that I can't take pictures torecord these wonderful moments.
扬州茱萸湾导游词 篇6
In Tang Dynasty, zhuyuwan was also a port between countries. Tang poetrydescribes the water scenery here: "half of the kite full of trees, new year'speople still alone.". Falling flowers and flowing water arrive at Zhuyu Bay"Where there is land, there is only bamboo, but where there is no home, there isno goose. When the spring breeze blows around the city, the ears are filled withSheng songs. "
No matter which season you are in at four o'clock, or when you visitzhuyuwan park with friends or your family, you will personally feel the beautyof "evergreen trees of life - plants": peach blossoms in spring, Hibiscus insummer, Osmanthus fragrans in autumn and wintersweet wintersweet. The changes ofthe phases of the four seasons are like the ink painting scenes blooming in thegood days, which are so beautiful and harmonious on the green land of ZhuyuBay.
The thousand hectares of green space in zhuyuwan park is surrounded by manygreen plants, which constitute a beautiful landscape of plants. Such as "He FengQu Qiao", "Mei Shan Chun Shen", "Peony Chan Juan", "Han Mei Ao Xue", "Zhuyu GuYun" and so on. The unique volume of these typical plant beauty is differentfrom the limitation of traditional private garden, which covers a small area.The openness of its artistic conception has been able to receive large-scalegroups in line with the modern tourism concept. Although the overall effect ofthese typical plant landscapes is composed of the local space enclosed byplants, it is greater than the overall space effect. When you visit the "plantkingdom" of zhuyuwan Park, you can really experience the dreamlike artisticconception of green yangchengguo.